Government U-Turn Means No Imminent Return to Rehearsals or Performances

Last night (9 July) the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) issued new guidance for the performing arts which will prevent even small groups gathering to play with immediate effect.

The guidance states:

Non-professionals should currently not engage in singing or playing wind and brass instruments with other people given these activities pose a potentially higher risk of transmission and whilst research is ongoing. DCMS has commissioned further scientific studies to be carried out to develop robust scientific data for these activities. Existing and emerging evidence will be analysed to assist the development of policy and guidelines.

Sadly this means that for all amateur musicians and groups our band rooms will remain silent for a little while longer.

To read more about the latest guidance, see the following article from Brass Band England:

For now we will continue to wait until it is deemed safe for us to return to rehearsals. To all of our members and supporters, please stay safe, we hope to see you again soon.

Released On 10th Jul 2020

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